
The Postgraduate Studies Program “Innovative and Sustainable Entrepreneurship” of the Department of Economics of the University of Patras, aims to:

    • To promote theoretical and applied knowledge in the cognitive areas of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, which are mainly based in Economics,
    • In promoting scientific excellence and research in the above areas of knowledge,
    • In creating scientists capable of pursuing doctoral studies in related scientific areas,
    • In creating executives, in the public and private sectors, with a strong background in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, suitable to face the challenges of the contemporary economic environment,
    • To enhance the abilities of students to organize their own business or to join management teams of businesses, mass media or even large ones, that design and implement innovation and sustainability projects with a strong focus on the green economy,
    • Both in the development of analytical skills in the aforementioned areas, as well as in the development of leadership capabilities and soft skills, familiarization with the use of modern technologies and dealing with real financial situations in their future careers.

The subject matter addressed by the Master of Science (MSc) is the comprehensive provision of the appropriate framework and the cultivation of the skills required for the successful development of innovative and sustainable projects in a dynamic business environment and equips postgraduate students with an understanding of technology-based business management. In this way, the MSc will be an indispensable tool for postgraduate students of different specializations and directions to understand the dynamics of innovation and entrepreneurship through advanced academic courses on business operations and their management, focusing on the specific technological and business conditions in selected areas of technology application (for example, Information and Communication Technologies, Green Economy, Life Sciences, Construction and Services).

The Postgraduate Diploma (PMS) after full and successful completion of the curriculum leads to the award of a Postgraduate Diploma (PMS) in “Innovative and Sustainable Entrepreneurship”. The title is awarded by the Department of Economics of the School of Economics & Business Administration of the University of Patras.